Oxygen is purged from the chamber using nitrogen gas, which is introduced in a controlled manner via a'nitrogen knife'at the web inlet and via an injector in the curing chamber. 清除氧是由室内使用氮气,这是实行控制的方式通过'氮刀'在网络入口,并通过一个注射器在治疗室。
The system features a sealed curing chamber built around a small idler roller. 该系统采用了密封固化室围绕着一个小惰辊。
Controlling the oxygen level within the curing chamber is simply a matter of adjusting the nitrogen flow rate until the desired reading is obtained. 控制范围内氧气水平的固化室是一件简单的事,调整氮气流量,直至理想的阅读获得。
Design of Curing Chamber Heat System for Colored Cement Tile and Their Curing Technology 彩色水泥瓦养护窑供热系统的设计及其养护工艺
The two problems such as the escape of SiF 4 gas and the break of cutting axle, occurred in curing chamber in calcium superphosphate production, were analyzed. The reform measures were put forward and put into effect, so that those two problems were solved. 分析了过磷酸钙生产中化成室出现的氟气外溢与切削器断轴两大问题,提出了改进措施,实施后上述问题得以解决。